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Creators Magazine

Alien Publication in Creators Magazine - Diversity Issue!

Photographer: @simon_clowes
Model: @mia_yarborough
Photo Assist: @tundebensoncreative
MUA + Location Scout: @brittani_antoinette
Format: 35mm


Coup De Main #75

The Driver Era - Striving for Honesty.

Grooming: @brittani_antoinette
Photographer: @lindseybyrnes
Band: Band: @thedriverera @rockylynch @ross_lynch
Magazine : @coupdemain



Faces of Resilience

Working with Peter Nunn and Ralph Bruneau in addition to hearing their stories for the June Pride Playboy issue was an honor. To be in the room with them for their web interviews, having them camera ready left me. The resilience and love they show is absolutely beautiful.


House Of Solo

California Love
Hair: @brittani_antoinette
Makeup: @maddienorthmakeup
Magazine: @houseofsolomag⠀⁠⠀
Photographer: @dohlee11⁠⠀
Style: @changeofwardrobe⠀⁠⠀
Model: @sadqn⁠⠀